In this paper we present a technique for Worst-Case Execution Time WCET analysis for pipelined processors. Our technique uses a standard simulator instead of special-purpose pipel...
The paper presents a Matlab toolbox for simulation of real-time control systems. The basic idea is to simulate a real-time kernel in parallel with continuous plant dynamics. The t...
This paper describes an architecture and runtime system to implement distributed control and data processing applications in a thin-client manner, suitable for implementing a thin...
In this paper; we describe optimal algorithmsfor incorporating error recovery in the imprecise computation model. In that model eack task compriser a mandatory and an optional par...
ASTRAL is a high-level formal specification language for real-time (infinite state) systems. It is provided with structuring mechanisms that allow one to build modularized specifi...
This study proposes a new bandwidth reservation strategy (Two Level Guarantee) in wireless environment based on the user mobility specification which is assumed to be given at cal...
Replication is a well-know fault-tolerance technique, and several replication strategies exist (e.g. active, passive, and semi-active replication). To be used in hard real-time sy...
Data replication can help database systems meet the stringent temporal constraints of current time-critical applications, especially Internet-based services. A prerequisite, howev...
Ming Xiong, Krithi Ramamritham, Jayant R. Haritsa,...
Real-time media servers need to service hundreds and, possibly, thousands of clients, each with their own quality of service (QoS) requirements. To guarantee such diverse QoS requ...
Richard West, Karsten Schwan, Christian Poellabaue...