
8 years 8 months ago
Control of 2D scalar conservation laws in the presence of shocks
Abstract. We analyze a model optimal control problem for a 2D scalar conservation law: The so-called inverse design problem, the goal being to identify the initial datum leading to...
Rodrigo Lecaros, Enrique Zuazua
8 years 8 months ago
Efficient algorithms for computing rational first integrals and Darboux polynomials of planar polynomial vector fields
We present fast algorithms for computing rational first integrals with bounded degree of a planar polynomial vector field. Our approach builds upon a method proposed by Ferragut ...
Alin Bostan, Guillaume Chèze, Thomas Cluzea...
8 years 8 months ago
A BDDC algorithm with deluxe scaling for H(curl) in two dimensions with irregular subdomains
A bound is obtained for the condition number of a BDDC algorithm for problems posed in H(curl) in two dimensions, where the subdomains are only assumed to be uniform in the sense o...
Juan G. Calvo
8 years 8 months ago
Contraction property of adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods
We establish the contraction property between consecutive loops of adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Poisson problem with homogeneous Dirichlet condition...
Bernardo Cockburn, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Wujun Zhan...
8 years 8 months ago
Dual Gramian analysis: Duality principle and unitary extension principle
Dual Gramian analysis is one of the fundamental tools developed in a series of papers [37, 40, 38, 39, 42] for studying frames. Using dual Gramian analysis, the frame operator can ...
Zhitao Fan, Hui Ji, Zuowei Shen
8 years 8 months ago
Eventual linear convergence of the Douglas-Rachford iteration for basis pursuit
We provide a simple analysis of the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm in the context of 1 minimization with linear constraints, and quantify the asymptotic linear convergence r...
Laurent Demanet, Xiangxiong Zhang
8 years 8 months ago
Computation and structure of character polylogarithms with applications to character Mordell-Tornheim-Witten sums
This paper extends tools developed in [10, 8] to study character polylogarithms. These objects are used to compute Mordell-Tornheim-Witten character sums and to explore their conn...
David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein
8 years 8 months ago
A p-adic analogue of the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for modular abelian varieties
Mazur, Tate, and Teitelbaum gave a p-adic analogue of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves. We provide a generalization of their conjecture in the good ordi...
Jennifer S. Balakrishnan, J. Steffen Müller, ...
8 years 8 months ago
Fast weak-KAM integrators for separable Hamiltonian systems
Abstract. We consider a numerical scheme for Hamilton–Jacobi equations based on a direct discretization of the Lax–Oleinik semi–group. We prove that this method is convergent...
Anne Bouillard, Erwan Faou, Maxime Zavidovique
8 years 8 months ago
A limiting strategy for the back and forth error compensation and correction method for solving advection equations
We further study the properties of the back and forth error compensation and correction (BFECC) method for advection equations such as those related to the level set method and fo...
Lili Hu, Yao Li, Yingjie Liu