
12 years 6 days ago
Discovering Spammers in Social Networks
As the popularity of the social media increases, as evidenced in Twitter, Facebook and China’s Renren, spamming activities also picked up in numbers and variety. On social netwo...
Yin Zhu, Xiao Wang, ErHeng Zhong, Nathan Nan Liu, ...
12 years 6 days ago
Transfer Learning in Collaborative Filtering with Uncertain Ratings
To solve the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering, researchers have introduced transfer learning as a viable approach to make use of auxiliary data. Most previous transfer...
Weike Pan, Evan Wei Xiang, Qiang Yang
12 years 6 days ago
Robust Cuts Over Time: Combatting the Spread of Invasive Species with Unreliable Biological Control
Widespread accounts of the harmful effects of invasive species have stimulated both practical and theoretical studies on how the spread of these destructive agents can be containe...
Gwen Spencer
12 years 6 days ago
Double-Bit Quantization for Hashing
Hashing, which tries to learn similarity-preserving binary codes for data representation, has been widely used for efficient nearest neighbor search in massive databases due to i...
Weihao Kong, Wu-Jun Li
12 years 6 days ago
Colorization by Matrix Completion
Given a monochrome image and some manually labeled pixels, the colorization problem is a computer-assisted process of adding color to the monochrome image. This paper proposes a n...
Shusen Wang, Zhihua Zhang
12 years 6 days ago
Equality-Friendly Well-Founded Semantics and Applications to Description Logics
We tackle the problem of defining a well-founded semantics (WFS) for Datalog rules with existentially quantified variables in their heads and negations in their bodies. In partic...
Georg Gottlob, André Hernich, Clemens Kupke...
12 years 6 days ago
Improving Twitter Retrieval by Exploiting Structural Information
Most Twitter search systems generally treat a tweet as a plain text when modeling relevance. However, a series of conventions allows users to tweet in structural ways using combin...
Zhunchen Luo, Miles Osborne, Sasa Petrovic, Ting W...
12 years 6 days ago
Online Task Assignment in Crowdsourcing Markets
We explore the problem of assigning heterogeneous tasks to workers with different, unknown skill sets in crowdsourcing markets such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. We first formalize ...
Chien-Ju Ho, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan
12 years 6 days ago
Optimizing Payments in Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms for Multi-Parameter Domains
In AI research, mechanism design is typically used to allocate tasks and resources to agents holding private information about their values for possible allocations. In this conte...
Lachlan Thomas Dufton, Victor Naroditskiy, Maria P...
12 years 6 days ago
Generalized Sampling and Variance in Counterfactual Regret Minimization
In large extensive form games with imperfect information, Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) is a popular, iterative algorithm for computing approximate Nash equilibria. Whi...
Richard G. Gibson, Marc Lanctot, Neil Burch, Duane...