We provide proof-theoretic results about deliberative STIT logic. First we present STIT logic for individual agents without time, where the problem of satisfiability has recently b...
Labelled tableaux are extensions of semantic tableaux with annotations (labels, indices) whose main function is to enrich the modal object language with semantic elements. This pap...
This paper presents a survey of topological spatial logics, taking as its point of departure the interpretation of the modal logic S4 due to McKinsey and Tarski. We consider the ef...
Roman Kontchakov, Ian Pratt-Hartmann, Frank Wolter...
Arbitrary public announcement logic (APAL) is an extension of multi-agent epistemic logic that allows agents' knowledge states to be updated by the public announcement of (pos...
In 1983, Valentini presented a syntactic proof of cut-elimination for a sequent calculus GLSV for the provability logic GL where we have added the subscript V for "Valentini&q...
Most temporal logics, particularly interval temporal logics, are not expressive enough to capture meanings of natural language constructions, and they are not convenient to represe...
In this paper we study the intermediate logic MLO(X) of open subsets of a metric space X. This logic is closely related to Medvedev's logic of finite problems ML. We prove sev...
We present the CoRe calculus for contextual reasoning which supports reasoning directly at the assertion level, where proof steps are justified in terms of applications of defini...