Agents must form and update mental models about each other in a wide range of domains: team coordination, plan recognition, social simulation, user modeling, games of incomplete i...
Developing scalable coordination algorithms for multi-agent systems is a hard computational challenge. One useful approach, demonstrated by the Coverage Set Algorithm (CSA), explo...
Online mechanism design considers the problem of sequential decision making in a multi-agent system with self-interested agents. The agent population is dynamic and each agent has...
Efficient query answering over ontologies is one of the most useful and important services to support Semantic Web applications. Approximation has been identified as a potential...
Assessing recovery from stroke has been so far a time consuming procedure in which highly trained clinicians are required. This paper proposes a mechatronic platform which measure...
Gert Van Dijck, Jo Van Vaerenbergh, Marc M. Van Hu...
It is well known how challenging is the task of coding complex agents for virtual environments. This difficulty in developing and maintaining complex agents has been plaguing com...
Artificial intelligence has begun to play a critical role in basic science research. In high energy physics, AI methods can aid precision measurements that elucidate the underlyi...
In recent years, there has been substantial research on exploring how AI can contribute to Human-Computer Interaction by enabling an interface to understand a user’s needs and a...
Cristina Conati, Christina Merten, Saleema Amershi...