Intelligent non-player characters that exhibit realistic ambient behaviors produce more captivating and immersive stories for the player. However, the creation of nonrepetitive an...
Maria Cutumisu, Duane Szafron, Jonathan Schaeffer,...
Wrapper is a traditional method to extract useful information from Web pages. Most previous works rely on the similarity between HTML tag trees and induced template-dependent wrap...
Graphical games capture some of the key aspects relevant to the study and design of multi-agent systems. It is often of interest to find the conditions under which a game is stab...
Bistra N. Dilkina, Carla P. Gomes, Ashish Sabharwa...
Transfer learning addresses the problem of how to leverage knowledge acquired in a source domain to improve the accuracy and speed of learning in a related target domain. This pap...
Lilyana Mihalkova, Tuyen N. Huynh, Raymond J. Moon...
Various problems in AI and multiagent systems can be tackled by finding the “most desirable” elements of a set given some binary relation. Examples can be found in areas as d...
The automated planning community has traditionally focused on the efficient synthesis of plans given a complete domain theory. In the past several years, this line of work met wi...
RDF (“Resource Description Framework”) is now a widely used World Wide Web Consortium standard. However, methods to index large volumes of RDF data are still in their infancy....
Octavian Udrea, Andrea Pugliese, V. S. Subrahmania...