This paper contains two important contributions for the development of possibilistic causal networks. The first one concerns the representation of interventions in possibilistic ...
Recently defined resolution calculi for Max-SAT and signed Max-SAT have provided a logical characterization of the solving techniques applied by Max-SAT and WCSP solvers. In this...
To be effective, an agent that collaborates with humans needs to be able to learn new tasks from humans they work with. This paper describes a system that learns executable task m...
James F. Allen, Nathanael Chambers, George Ferguso...
bstract or nonliving entities act or are described as living. And living things gain extra benefits such as animals talking. For this reason, the standard scripts are modified to a...
We present a CNF to Tree-of-BDDs (ToB) compiler with complexity at most exponential in the tree width. We then present algorithms for interesting queries on ToB. Although some of ...
Sathiamoorthy Subbarayan, Lucas Bordeaux, Youssef ...
Planning under uncertainty involves two distinct sources of uncertainty: uncertainty about the effects of actions and uncertainty about the current state of the world. The most wi...
A key problem when forming effective coalitions of autonomous agents is determining the best groupings, or the optimal coalition structure, to select to achieve some goal. To this...
Talal Rahwan, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Viet Dung Dan...
We propose a framework for multi-issue bilateral negotiation, where issues are expressed and related to each other via Description Logics. Agents’ goals are expressed through (c...
Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciasc...