
235views more  NAR 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
PAR-3D: a server to predict protein active site residues
PAR-3D ( /PAR_3D/index.html) is a web-based tool that exploits the fact that relative juxtaposition of active site residues is a conserve...
Kshama Goyal, Debasisa Mohanty, Shekhar C. Mande
150views more  NAR 1998»
14 years 3 months ago
PROMISE: a database of information on prosthetic centres and metal ions in protein active sites
The PROMISE (Prosthetic centres and metal ions in protein active sites) database aims to gather together comprehensive sequence, structural, functional and bibliographic informati...
Kirill Degtyarenko, A. C. North, D. N. Perkins, Jo...
103views more  BMCBI 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Detection of protein catalytic residues at high precision using local network properties
Background: Identifying the active site of an enzyme is a crucial step in functional studies. While protein sequences and structures can be experimentally characterized, determini...
Patrick Slama, Ioannis Filippis, Michael Lappe
104views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Predicting active site residue annotations in the Pfam database
Background: Approximately 5% of Pfam families are enzymatic, but only a small fraction of the sequences within these families (<0.5%) have had the residues responsible for cata...
Jaina Mistry, Alex Bateman, Robert D. Finn
166views Bioinformatics» more  APBC 2004»
14 years 4 months ago
THEMATICS is Effective for Active Site Prediction in Comparative Model Structures
THEMATICS (Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves) is a simple, reliable computational predictor of the active sites of enzymes from structure. Our method, based on well-establi...
Ihsan A. Shehadi, Alper Uzun, Leonel F. Murga, Val...
14 years 7 months ago
Advanced Tree-Based Kernels for Protein Classification
One of the aims of modern Bioinformatics is to discover the molecular mechanisms that rule the protein operation. This would allow us to understand the complex processes involved i...
Elisa Cilia, Alessandro Moschitti