We present a computational approach to the saddle-point formulation for the Nash equilibria of two-person, zero-sum sequential games of imperfect information. The algorithm is a ...
Abstract. We consider the problem of computing additively approximate Nash equilibria in non-cooperative two-player games. We provide a new polynomial time algorithm that achieves ...
NLC-width is a variant of clique-width with many application in graph algorithmic. This paper is devoted to graphs of NLC-width two. After giving new structural properties of the ...
Vincent Limouzy, Fabien de Montgolfier, Michaë...
Abstract. Weak fairness guarantees that if an action is continuously enabled, it is executed infinitely often. Strong fairness, on the other hand, guarantees that actions that are...
The timestamp problem captures a fundamental aspect of asynchronous distributed computing. It allows processes to label events throughout the system with timestamps that provide in...
In this paper, we give a O(log copt)-approximation algorithm for the point guard problem where copt is the optimal number of guards. Our algorithm runs in time polynomial in n, the...
Ajay Deshpande, Taejung Kim, Erik D. Demaine, Sanj...
We present a constraint-based algorithm for the synthesis of invariants expressed in the combined theory of linear arithmetic and uninterpreted function symbols. Given a set of pro...
Dirk Beyer, Thomas A. Henzinger, Rupak Majumdar, A...
The general problem of answering top-k queries can be modeled using lists of data items sorted by their local scores. The most efficient algorithm proposed so far for answering to...
An application for content-based annotation and retrieval of videos can be found in the sport domain, where videos are annotated in order to produce short summaries for news and sp...
Lamberto Ballan, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo,...
The min-sum k-clustering problem is to partition a metric space (P, d) into k clusters C1, . . . , Ck ⊆ P such that k i=1 p,q∈Ci d(p, q) is minimized. We show the first effi...