We explore the average-case “Vickrey” cost of structures in a random setting: the Vickrey cost of a shortest path in a complete graph or digraph with random edge weights; the V...
An arithmetic read-once formula (ROF for short) is a formula (a circuit whose underlying graph is a tree) in which the operations are {+, ×} and such that every input variable la...
The area of derandomization attempts to provide efficient deterministic simulations of randomized algorithms in various algorithmic settings. Goldreich and Wigderson introduced a n...
Abstract. Given a set J of jobs, where each job j is associated with release date rj, deadline dj and processing time pj, our goal is to schedule all jobs using the minimum possibl...
An important research thread in algorithmic game theory studies the design of efficient truthful mechanisms that approximate the optimal social welfare. A fundamental question is ...
Referring to the query complexity of property testing, we prove the existence of a rich hierarchy of corresponding complexity classes. That is, for any relevant function q, we prov...
Oded Goldreich, Michael Krivelevich, Ilan Newman, ...