Users often behave speculatively, submitting work that initially they do not know is needed. Farm computing often consists of single node speculative tasks issued by, e.g., bioinf...
The last decade has witnessed a rapid proliferation of superscalar cache-based microprocessors to build high-end computing (HEC) platforms, primarily because of their generality, ...
Leonid Oliker, Jonathan Carter, Michael F. Wehner,...
The availability of inexpensive “off the shelf” machines increases the likelihood that parallel programs run on heterogeneous clusters of machines. These programs are increasi...
We address the problem of how to exploit optics for ultrascale High Performance Computing interconnect fabrics. We show that for high port counts these fabrics require multistage ...
Ronald P. Luijten, Cyriel Minkenberg, B. Roe Hemen...
We are developing Virtuoso, a system for distributed computing using virtual machines (VMs). Virtuoso must be able to mix batch and interactive VMs on the same physical hardware, ...
The development of complex scientific applications for high-end systems is a challenging task. Addressing complexity of the involved software and algorithms is becoming increasing...
Manojkumar Krishnan, Yuri Alexeev, Theresa L. Wind...
The memory consistency model in parallel programming controls the order in which operations performed by one thread may be observed by another. Language designers have been reluct...
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a recently standardized transport level protocol with several features that better support the communication requirements of paralle...