Abstract. In this paper we present a model of facial behaviour encompassing interpersonal relations for an Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA). Although previous solutions of this ...
In this paper, we address the tasks of recognition and interpretation of affect communicated through text messaging. The evolving nature of language in online conversations is a ma...
Alena Neviarouskaya, Helmut Prendinger, Mitsuru Is...
Affective reasoning has been the subject of increasing attention in recent years. Because negative affective states such as frustration and anxiety can impede progress toward learn...
In this paper we describe an artistic exhibition that took place in our highly-immersive virtual-reality laboratory. We have allowed visitors to explore a virtual landscape based o...
We use a χ2 analysis on our spoken dialogue tutoring corpus to investigate dependencies between uncertain student answers and 9 dialogue acts the human tutor uses in his response ...
The HUMAINE project is concerned with developing interfaces that will register and respond to emotion, particularly pervasive emotion (forms of feeling, expression and action that ...
Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Roddy Cowie, Ian Sneddon, Cat...
Abstract. According to traditional animators, the art of building believable characters resides in the ability to successfully portray a character’s behaviour as the result of it...
Abstract. Bodily expression of felt emotion was associated with emotionspecific changes in gait parameters and kinematics. The emotions angry, sad, content, joy and no emotion at a...
RoCo, a novel robotic computer, has the capability to move its monitor in subtly expressive ways that respond to and promote its user’s postural movement. Motivated by Riskind’...
Hyungil Ahn, Alea Teeters, Andrew Wang, Cynthia Br...