Data integration systems offer users a uniform interface to a set of data sources. Previous work has typically assumed that the data sources are independent of each other; however...
Starting with a similarity function between objects, it is possible to define a distance metric (the kernel distance) on pairs of objects, and more generally on probability distr...
Sarang C. Joshi, Raj Varma Kommaraju, Jeff M. Phil...
In this paper we study the k-means clustering problem. It is well-known that the general version of this problem is NP-hard. Numerous approximation algorithms have been proposed fo...
In commerce search, the set of products returned by a search engine often forms the basis for all user interactions leading up to a potential transaction on the web. Such a set of...
Quadratic Programming (QP) is the well-studied problem of maximizing over {−1, 1} values the quadratic form i=j aijxixj. QP captures many known combinatorial optimization proble...
A spanner of a graph is a sparse subgraph that approximately preserves distances in the original graph. More precisely, a subgraph H = (V, EH ) is a k-spanner of a graph G = (V, E...
—Throughput optimization in wireless networks with multiple channels and multiple radio interfaces per node is a challenging problem. For general traffic models (given a set of ...
In this paper, we consider approximation algorithms for optimizing a generic multi-variate homogeneous polynomial function, subject to homogeneous quadratic constraints. Such opti...