The floating-point multiply-add fused (MAF) unit sets a new trend in the processor design to speed up floatingpoint performance in scientific and multimedia applications. This ...
This paper describes a new basis for the implementation of a shifter functional unit. We present a design based on the inverse butterfly and butterfly datapath circuits that perfo...
It is widely acknowledged that efficient modular multiplication is a key to high-performance implementation of public-key cryptography, be it classical RSA, Diffie-Hellman, or (hy...
One considers the problem of finding hard to round cases of a periodic function for large floating-point inputs, more precisely when the function cannot be efficiently approxim...
Numerical integration is an operation that is frequently available in multiple precision numerical software packages. The different quadrature schemes used are considered well stu...
Decimal multiplication is important in many commercial applications including financial analysis, banking, tax calculation, currency conversion, insurance, and accounting. This p...
Mark A. Erle, Michael J. Schulte, Brian J. Hickman...
Abstract— This paper explores the use of the double-base number system (DBNS) for constant integer multiplication. The DBNS recoding scheme represents integers – in this case c...
Vassil S. Dimitrov, Laurent Imbert, Andrew Zakaluz...
Abstract. We present efficient squaring formulae based on the Toom-Cook multiplication algorithm. The latter always requires at least one non-trivial constant division in the inte...
An emerging nanotechnology, quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), has the potential for attractive features such as faster speed, smaller size, and lower power consumption than tra...