Clustering is an important data mining problem. However, most earlier work on clustering focused on numeric attributes which have a natural ordering to their attribute values. Rec...
Information integration is often faced with the problem that different data sources represent the same set of the real-world objects, but give conflicting values for specific prop...
The objective of our research was to find the best approach to handle missing attribute values in data sets describing preterm birth provided by the Duke University. Five strategi...
Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Linda K. Goodwin, Witold ...
In this paper, after a new DNA-based semantic model is theoretically proposed, the preliminary experiment on construction of the small test model is successfully done. This model, ...
Similarity queries in traditional databases work directly on attribute values. But, often similar attribute values do not indicate similar meanings. Semantic background information...
Aggregating items can simplify the display of huge quantities of data values at the cost of losing information about the attribute values of the individual items. We propose a dis...
Given a binary classification task, a ranker sorts a set of instances from highest to lowest expectation that the instance is positive. We propose a lexicographic ranker, LexRank,...
Abstract. We investigate a security framework for collaborative applications that relies on the role-based access control (RBAC) model. In our framework, roles are pre-defined and...
Isabel F. Cruz, Rigel Gjomemo, Benjamin Lin, Mirko...
The top-k retrieval problem requires finding k objects most similar to a given query object. Similarities between objects are most often computed as aggregated similarities of the...
Reference reconciliation is the problem of identifying when different references (i.e., sets of attribute values) in a dataset correspond to the same real-world entity. Most previ...