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With an increasing number of people that read, write and comment on blogs, the blogosphere has established itself as an essential medium of communication. A fundamental characteri...
The last decade has seen an explosion in blogging and the blogosphere is continuing to grow, having a large global reach and many vibrant communities. Researchers have been pouring...
With the massive adoption of internet technologies, social media and blogs have become primary means of expressing opinions online. The Blogosphere contains a wealth of informatio...
— We describe blogTrust, an innovative modular and extensible prototype application for monitoring changes in the interests of blogosphere participants. We also propose a new app...
This paper studies the issue of conceptually indexing the blogosphere through the whole hierarchy of Wikipedia entries. This paper proposes how to link Wikipedia entries to blog f...
—The blogosphere can be construed as a knowledge network made of bloggers who are interacting through a social network to share, exchange or produce information. We claim that th...