Background: As genomes evolve after speciation, gene content, coding sequence, gene expression, and splicing all diverge with time from ancestors with close relatives. A minimum e...
Roald Rossnes, Ingvar Eidhammer, David A. Liberles
Background: Sequence alignment is a common tool in bioinformatics and comparative genomics. It is generally assumed that multiple sequence alignment yields better results than pai...
Background: Evolutionary distances are a critical measure in comparative genomics and molecular evolutionary biology. A simulation study was used to examine the effect of alignmen...
Background: Probabilistic models for sequence comparison (such as hidden Markov models and pair hidden Markov models for proteins and mRNAs, or their context-free grammar counterp...
Background: Complete sequencing of bacterial genomes has become a common technique of present day microbiology. Thereafter, data mining in the complete sequence is an essential st...
Background: The extraction of biological knowledge from genome-scale data sets requires its analysis in the context of additional biological information. The importance of integra...
David J. Reiss, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Vesteinn Th...
Background: Quality-control is an important issue in the analysis of gene expression microarrays. One type of problem is regional bias, in which one region of a chip shows artifac...
Background: Ambiguity is a problem in biosequence analysis that arises in various analysis tasks solved via dynamic programming, and in particular, in the modeling of families of ...
Background: A large number of papers have been published on analysis of microarray data with particular emphasis on normalization of data, detection of differentially expressed ge...