Complex virtual environments can be simulated with physical or procedural motion. Physical motion is more realistic, but requires the integration of an ordinary differential equat...
While mechanical cloth simulation systems are widely used for creating draped garments on virtual characters, the animation of virtual garments raise challenges on its own. The pe...
Virtual conversational agents are supposed to combine speech with nonverbal modalities for intelligible and believeable utterances. However, the automatic synthesis of coverbal ge...
Very large databases on the Web have been changing dynamically and have become complicated today. This research aims at helping users’ understanding of database changes by datab...
We describe techniques used to create animations of song. Modification to a text-to-audiovisual-speech system have been made to take extra information contained the timing and fr...
This article describes the architecture of the "Museum of Pure Form", a virtual reality system where the user can interact, through the senses of touch and sight, with d...
Massimo Bergamasco, Antonio Frisoli, Federico Barb...
Motion capture can be an effective method of creating realistic human motion for animation. Unfortunately, the quality demands for animation place challenging demands on a capture...
The last few years have seen great maturation in understanding how to use computer graphics technology to portray 3D embodied characters or virtual humans. Unlike the off-line, an...
Norman I. Badler, Jan M. Allbeck, Liwei Zhao, Meer...
Animated characters may exhibit several kinds of dynamic intelligence when performing low-level navigation (i.e., navigation on a local perceptual scale): They decide among differ...
Eric Aaron, Harold C. Sun, Franjo Ivancic, Dimitri...