The necessary and sufficient conditions for being able to estimate scene structure, motion and camera calibration from a sequence of images are very rarely satisfied in practice. ...
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Kosecka, Shankar Sastr...
Self-calibration using pure rotation is a well-known technique and has been shown to be a reliable means for recovering intrinsic camera parameters. However, in practice, it is vir...
Leslie Wang, Sing Bing Kang, Heung-Yeung Shum, Gua...
In many cases self-calibration is not able to yield a unique solution for the 3D reconstruction of a scene. This is due to the occurrence of critical motion sequences. If this is ...
This paper deals with the problem of incorporating natural regularity conditions on the motion in an MAP estimator for structure and motion recovery from uncalibrated image sequen...
We approach mosaicing as a camera tracking problem within a known parameterized surface. From a video of a camera moving within a surface, we compute a mosaic representing the tex...
We present a system that estimates the motion of a stereo head or a single moving camera based on video input. The system operates in real-time with low delay and the motion estim...
While motion estimation has been extensively studied in the computer vision literature, the inherent information redundancy in an image sequence has not been well utilised. In par...
Previous algorithms that recover camera motion from image velocities sufferfrom both bias and excessive variance in the results. We propose a robust estimator of camera motion tha...