Abstract. There are two complementary approaches to playing sums of combinatorial games. They can be characterized as local analysis and global search. Algorithms from combinatoria...
Most Go-playing programs use a combination of search and heuristics based on an influence function to determine whether territories are safe. However, to assure the correct evaluat...
Abstract. Years of work have gone into algorithms and optimizations for twoplayer perfect-information games such as Chess and Checkers. It is only more recently that serious resear...
In this paper a new method is described for move ordering, called the relative history heuristic. It is a combination of the history heuristic and the butterfly heuristic. Instead...
Mark H. M. Winands, Erik C. D. van der Werf, H. Ja...
The TAC 2003 supply-chaingame presented automated trading agents with a challenging strategic problem. Embedded within a complex stochastic environment was a pivotal strategic deci...
Joshua Estelle, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Michael P. W...
Kriegspiel is a Chess variant similar to wargames, in which players have to deal with uncertainty. Kriegspiel increases the difficulty typical of Chess by hiding from each player h...