Object-space silhouette extraction is an important problem in fields ranging from non-photorealistic computer graphics to medical robotics. We present an efficient silhouette extr...
Many algorithms in computer graphics improve their efficiency by using Hierarchical Space Subdivision Schemes (HS3), such as octrees, kD-trees or BSP trees. Such HS3 usually provi...
Tamy Boubekeur, Wolfgang Heidrich, Xavier Granier,...
In this paper we extract and visualize the topological skeleton of two-parameter-dependent vector fields. This kind of vector data depends on two parameter dimensions, for instanc...
We present an interactive modeling system for flower composition that supports seamless transformation from an initial sketch to a detailed three-dimensional (3D) model. To begin,...
We present the Optimizing Control Variate (OCV) estimator, a new estimator for Monte Carlo rendering. Based upon a deterministic sampling framework, OCV allows multiple importance...
Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney, Bo Hu, Kam-Wah Tsui,...
Displaying a synthetic image on a computer display requires determining the colors of individual pixels. To avoid aliasing, multiple samples of the image can be taken per pixel, a...
We present a synthesis technique that can automatically generate stroke patterns based on a user-specified reference pattern. Our method is an extension of texture synthesis techn...
Generating soft shadows in real time is difficult. Exact methods (such as ray tracing, and multiple light source simulation) are too slow, while approximate methods often overesti...
Xiao-Hua Cai, Yun-Tao Jia, Xi Wang, Shi-Min Hu, Ra...
We propose a sweep-based approach to the freeform deformation of three-dimensional objects. Instead of using a volume enclosing the whole object, we approximate only its deformabl...
We describe a system for the rapid acquisition of building interiors. In 40 hours, a two member team with a single acquisition device captured a model of the corridors and 20 indi...