Specular reflections provide many important visual cues in our daily environment. They inform us of the shape of objects, of the material they are made of, of their relative posit...
Though ray tracing has recently become interactive, its high precomputation time for building spatial indices usually limits its applications to walkthroughs of static scenes. Thi...
In this paper we describe a new method for generating and controlling physically-realistic motion of complex articulated characters. Our goal is to create motion from scratch, whe...
Discrete curvature and shape operators, which capture complete information about directional curvatures at a point, are essential in a variety of applications: simulation of defor...
Eitan Grinspun, Yotam I. Gingold, Jason Reisman, D...
The most important technique to visualize 3D scalar data, as they arise e.g. in medicine from tomographic measurement, is direct volume rendering. A transfer function maps the sca...
Physically based deformable models have been widely embraced by the Computer Graphics community. Many problems outlined in a previous survey by Gibson and Mirtich [GM97] have been...