
165views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
A Multidirectional Occlusion Shading Model for Direct Volume Rendering
In this paper, we present a novel technique which simulates directional light scattering for more realistic interactive visualization of volume data. Our method extends the recent...
Veronika Soltészová, Daniel Patel, S...
105views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems
We propose a new framework design for exploiting multi-core architectures in the context of visualization dataflow systems. Recent hardware advancements have greatly increased the...
Huy T. Vo, Daniel K. Osmari, Brian Summa, Jo&atild...
185views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Constrained Texture Mapping using Image Warping
We introduce in this paper a new method for smooth foldover-free warping of images. It allows users to specify the constraints in two different ways: positional constraints to con...
Hyewon Seo, Frederic Cordier
132views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Hybrid Booleans
In this paper we present a novel method to compute Boolean operations on polygonal meshes. Given a Boolean expression over an arbitrary number of input meshes we reliably and effi...
Darko Pavic, Marcel Campen, Leif Kobbelt
174views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Bidirectional Texture Function Compression Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization
The Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) is becoming widely used for accurate representation of real-world material appearance. In this paper a novel BTF compression model is prop...
Vlastimil Havran, J. Filip, Karol Myszkowski
163views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Meshless Shape and Motion Design for Multiple Deformable Objects
We present physically based algorithms for interactive deformable shape and motion modeling. We coarsely sample the objects with simulation nodes, and apply a meshless finite elem...
Bart Adams, Martin Wicke, Maks Ovsjanikov, Michael...
126views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Contour-based Interface for Refining Volume Segmentation
Medical volume images contain ambiguous and low-contrast boundaries around which existing fully- or semiautomatic segmentation algorithms often cause errors. In this paper, we pro...
Takashi Ijiri, Hideo Yokota
105views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Fragment-Parallel Composite and Filter
Anjul Patney, Stanley Tzeng, John D. Owens