
112views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Evaluation of Cluster Identification Performance for Different PCP Variants
Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) are a well-known visualization technique for viewing multivariate data. In the past, various visual modifications to PCPs have been proposed to fa...
Danny Holten, Jarke J. van Wijk
106views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Alleviating the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem within Probe-Based Geospatial Analyses
We present a probe-based interface for the exploration of the results of a geospatial simulation of urban growth. Because our interface allows the user great freedom in how they c...
Thomas Butkiewicz, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Douglas A....
111views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
One Point Isometric Matching with the Heat Kernel
A common operation in many geometry processing algorithms consists of finding correspondences between pairs of shapes by finding structure-preserving maps between them. A particul...
Maks Ovsjanikov, Quentin Mérigot, Facundo M...
106views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Optical Image Processing Using Light Modulation Displays
We propose to enhance the capabilities of the human visual system by performing optical image processing directly on an observed scene. Unlike previous work which additively super...
Gordon Wetzstein, Wolfgang Heidrich, David Luebke
155views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
SmallWorlds: Visualizing Social Recommendations
We present SmallWorlds, a visual interactive graph-based interface that allows users to specify, refine and build item-preference profiles in a variety of domains. The interface f...
Brynjar Gretarsson, John O'Donovan, Svetlin Bostan...
120views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Polygonal mesh watermarking using Laplacian coordinates
We propose a watermarking algorithm for polygonal meshes based on the modification of the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates (x,y...
Ying Yang, Ioannis P. Ivrissimtzis
155views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Brushing Moments in Interactive Visual Analysis
We present a systematic study of opportunities for the interactive visual analysis of multi-dimensional scientific data that is based on the integration of statistical aggregation...
Johannes Kehrer, Peter Filzmoser, Helwig Hauser
153views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Localized Delaunay Refinement for Sampling and Meshing
The technique of Delaunay refinement has been recognized as a versatile tool to generate Delaunay meshes of a variety of geometries. Despite its usefulness, it suffers from one la...
Tamal K. Dey, Joshua A. Levine, A. Slatton
148views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Visual Support for Interactive Post-Interventional Assessment of Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy
Teaser Figure: A volume rendering with the corresponding tumor map, a pseudo-cylindrical mapping of the tumor surface. Percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a minimally inv...
Christian Rieder, Andreas Weihusen, Christian Schu...
111views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Density-based Outlier Rejection in Monte Carlo Rendering
The problem of noise in Monte-Carlo rendering arising from estimator variance is well-known and well-studied. In this work, we concentrate on identifying individual light paths as...
Christopher DeCoro, Tim Weyrich, Szymon Rusinkiewi...