Following Lutz’s approach to effective (constructive) dimension, we define a notion of dimension for individual sequences based on Schnorr’s concept(s) of randomness. In contr...
The d-c.e. (difference of c.e.) and dbc (divergence bounded computable) reals are two important subclasses of ∆0 2-reals which have very interesting computability-theoretical as...
L APPROACH TO ABSTRACT ALGEBRA THIERRY COQUAND AND HENRI LOMBARDI Recent work in constructive mathematics show that Hilbert’s program works rge part of abstract algebra. Using in...
In this work we focus on a formalisation of the algorithms of lazy exact arithmetic `a la Potts and Edalat [1]. We choose the constructive type theory as our formal verification t...
1 and 2, and in the last Section 4 of this abstract I will outline very briefly some conclusions about recursion and complexity which I believe that they support. 1 Partial Algebr...
We argue that there is currently no satisfactory general framework for comparing the extensional computational power of arbitrary computational models operating over arbitrary doma...
Abstract. We prove that the one-dimensional sandpile prediction problem is in AC1 . The previously best known upper bound on the ACi -scale was AC2 . We also prove that it is not i...
In a previous paper, we developed an algebraic theory of threads and multi-threads based on strategic interleaving. This theory includes a number of plausible interleaving strategi...