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Abstract. Code injection attacks that target the control-data of an application have been prevalent amongst exploit writers for over 20 years. Today however, these attacks are gett...
Steven Van Acker, Nick Nikiforakis, Pieter Philipp...
Security of MPSoCs is an emerging area of concern in embedded systems. Security is jeopardized by code injection attacks, which are the most common types of software attacks. Prev...
Harvard architecture CPU design is common in the embedded world. Examples of Harvard-based architecture devices are the Mica family of wireless sensors. Mica motes have limited me...
We present a framework to prevent code injection attacks in MS Windows using Native APIs in the operating system. By adopting the idea of diversity, this approach is implemented i...
Lynette Qu Nguyen, Tufan Demir, Jeff Rowe, Francis...
Intrusion detection systems are fundamentally passive and fail–open. Because their primary task is classification, they do nothing to prevent an attack from succeeding. An intru...
Michael E. Locasto, Ke Wang, Angelos D. Keromytis,...
This paper proposes a methodology to develop countermeasures against code injection attacks, and validates the methodology by working out a specific countermeasure. This methodol...
Code injection vulnerabilities continue to prevail. Attacks of this kind such as stack buffer overflows and heap buffer overflows account for roughly half of the vulnerabilities...
Stig Andersson, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay, Bra...
Code injection attacks are a top threat to today’s Internet. With zero-day attacks on the rise, randomization techniques have been introduced to diversify software and operation...
Xuxian Jiang, Helen J. Wang, Dongyan Xu, Yi-Min Wa...
Code injection attacks, despite being well researched, continue to be a problem today. Modern architectural solutions such as the NX-bit and PaX have been useful in limiting the a...
Multiprocessor SoCs are increasingly deployed in embedded systems with little or no security features built in. Code Injection attacks are one of the most commonly encountered sec...
Krutartha Patel, Sridevan Parameswaran, Seng Lin S...