
13 years 11 months ago
Incremental Identification of Inflectional Types
We present an al)proach to the increnmntal accrual of lexical int'ornmtion fl)r unknown words t;hat is consl;raint-based and conll)atil)le with s(.andard unification-liased g...
Petra Barg, James Kilbury
13 years 11 months ago
Exploiting a Probabilistic Hierarchical Model for Generation
Previous stochastic approaches to generation do not include a tree-based representation of syntax. While this may be adequate or even advantageous for some applications, other app...
Srinivas Bangalore, Owen Rambow
13 years 11 months ago
A Grammar Checking System for Punjabi
This article provides description about the grammar checking system developed for detecting various grammatical errors in Punjabi texts. This system utilizes a fullform lexicon fo...
Mandeep Singh Gill, Gurpreet Singh Lehal
13 years 11 months ago
A Toolchain for Grammarians
We present a chain of tools used by grammarians and computer scientists to develop grammatical and lexical resources from linguistic knowledge, for various natural languages. The ...
Bruno Guillaume, Joseph Le Roux, Jonathan Marchand...
13 years 11 months ago
Entailment-based Question Answering for Structured Data
This paper describes a Question Answering system which retrieves answers from structured data regarding cinemas and movies. The system represents the first prototype of a multilin...
Bogdan Sacaleanu, Constantin Orasan, Christian Spu...
13 years 11 months ago
A Punjabi To Hindi Machine Translation System
Punjabi and Hindi are two closely related languages as both originated from the same origin and having lot of syntactic and semantic similarities. These similarities make direct t...
Gurpreet Singh Josan, Gurpreet Singh Lehal
13 years 11 months ago
Semantic Visualization and Meaning Computation
We present here VISUSYN, a prototype we developed in order to study meaning construction. This software implements the model of dynamic construction of meaning proposed by Victorr...
Fabienne Venant
13 years 11 months ago
Temporal Processing with the TARSQI Toolkit
We present the TARSQI Toolkit (TTK), a modular system for automatic temporal and event annotation of natural language texts. TTK identifies temporal expressions and events in natu...
Marc Verhagen, James Pustejovsky
13 years 11 months ago
Multilingual Mobile-Phone Translation Services for World Travelers
This demonstration introduces two new multilingual translation services for mobile phones. The first translation service provides state-of-the-art text-to-text translations of Jap...
Michael Paul, Hideo Okuma, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Eiic...