
13 years 11 months ago
Context-Free Grammar Rewriting and the Transfer of Packed Linguistic Representations
We propose an algorithm for the trausfer of packed linguistic structures, that is, finite collections of labelled graphs which share certain subparts. A labelled graph is seen as ...
Marc Dymetman, Frédéric Tendeau
13 years 11 months ago
XML and Multilingual Document Authoring: Convergent Trends
Typical approaches to XML authoring view a XML document as a mixture of structure (the tags) and surface (text between the tags). We advocate a radical approach where the surface ...
Marc Dymetman, Veronika Lux, Aarne Ranta
13 years 11 months ago
Integrating compositional semantics into a verb lexicon
We present a class-based approach to building a verb lexicon that makes explicit the close association between syntax and semantics for Levin classes. We have used Lexicalized Tre...
Hoa Trang Dang, Karin Kipper, Martha Stone Palmer
13 years 11 months ago
An Empirical Investigation of the Relation Between Discourse Structure and Co-Reference
We compare the potential of two classes of linear and hierarchical models of discourse to determine co-reference links and resolve anaphors. The comparison uses a corpus of thirty...
Dan Cristea, Nancy Ide, Daniel Marcu, Valentin Tab...
13 years 11 months ago
The Week at a Glance - Cross-language Cross-document Information Extraction and Translation
Work on the production of texts in English describing instances of a particular event type from multiple news sources will be described. A system has been developed which extracts...
James R. Cowie, Yevgeny Ludovik, Hugo Molina-Salga...