
13 years 9 months ago
Antonymy and Conceptual Vectors
For meaning representations in NLP, we focus our attention on thematic aspects and conceptual vectors. The learning strategy of conceptual vectors relies on a morphosyntaxic analy...
Didier Schwab, Mathieu Lafourcade, Violaine Prince
13 years 9 months ago
Extracting Word Sequence Correspondences with Support Vector Machines
This paper proposes a learning and extracting method of word sequence correspondences from non-aligned parallel corpora with Support Vector Machines, which have high ability of th...
Kengo Sato, Hiroaki Saito
13 years 9 months ago
An XML-based Document Suite
We report about the current state of development of a document suite and its applications. This collection of tools for the flexible and robust processing of documents in German i...
Dietmar Rösner, Manuela Kunze
13 years 9 months ago
Learning Verb Argument Structure from Minimally Annotated Corpora
In this paper we investigate the task of automatically identifying the correct argument structure for a set of verbs. The argument structure of a verb allows us to predict the rel...
Anoop Sarkar, Woottiporn Tripasai
13 years 9 months ago
Effective Structural Inference for Large XML Documents
This paper investigates methods to automatically infer structural information from large XML documents. Using XML as a reference format, we approach the schema generation problem ...
Jason Sankey, Raymond K. Wong
13 years 9 months ago
Inducing Information Extraction Systems for New Languages via Cross-language Projection
Information extraction (IE) systems are costly to build because they require development texts, parsing tools, and specialized dictionaries for each application domain and each na...
Ellen Riloff, Charles Schafer, David Yarowsky
13 years 9 months ago
The Computation of Word Associations: Comparing Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Approaches
It is shown that basic language processes such as the production of free word associations and the generation of synonyms can be simulated using statistical models that analyze th...
Reinhard Rapp
13 years 9 months ago
Creating a Finite-State Parser with Application Semantics
Parsli is a finite-state (FS) parser which can be tailored to the lexicon, syntax, and semantics of a particular application using a hand-editable declarative lexicon. The lexicon...
Owen Rambow, Srinivas Bangalore, Tahir Butt, Alexi...
13 years 9 months ago
Generating the XTAG English Grammar Using Metarules
We discuss a grammar development process used to generate the trees of the wide-coverage Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) for English of the XTAG Project. Result of the c...
Carlos A. Prolo