Robustness problems due to the substitution of the exact computation on real numbers by the rounded floating point arithmetic are often an obstacle to obtain practical implementat...
We introduce series-triangular graph embeddings and show how to partition point sets with them. This result is then used to prove an upper bound on the number of Steiner points nee...
Let P be a polyhedral domain occupying a convex volume. We prove that the size of a graded mesh of P with bounded vertex degree is within a factor O(H3 P ) of the size of any Dela...
The ray shooting problem arises in many different contexts and is a bottleneck of ray tracing in computer graphics. Unfortunately, theoretical solutions to the problem are not ver...
We consider combinatorial and computational issues that are related to the problem of moving coins from one configuration to another. Coins are defined as non-overlapping discs, an...
Manuel Abellanas, Sergey Bereg, Ferran Hurtado, Al...