We investigate the convergence of the price of anarchy after a limited number of moves in the classical multicast communication game when the underlying communication networks is ...
We study the communication complexity of rumor spreading in the random phone-call model. Suppose n players communicate in parallel rounds, where in each round every player calls a...
All practical wireless communication systems are prone to errors. At the symbol level such wireless errors have a well-defined structure: when a receiver decodes a symbol erroneou...
Sayandeep Sen, Syed Gilani, Shreesha Srinath, Step...
Interference is a critical issue in wireless communications. In a typical multiple-user environment, different users may severely interfere with each other. Coordination among use...
Kaishun Wu, Haoyu Tan, Yunhuai Liu, Jin Zhang, Qia...
Cellular radios consume more power and suffer reduced data rate when the signal is weak. According to our measurements, the communication energy per bit can be as much as 6x highe...
One relevant aspect in the development of the Semantic Web framework is the achievement of a real inter-agents communication capability at the semantic level. The agents should be ...
We propose an online algorithm for planning under uncertainty in multi-agent settings modeled as DEC-POMDPs. The algorithm helps overcome the high computational complexity of solv...
— The advent of ubiquitous computing has revolutionized distributed Multi-agent systems (MAS). Consequently, there are many software projects focusing on MASs. However, its succe...
Software development managers strive to control all of the factors that might impact the success of their projects. However, not all of these factors have been identified, much le...
This paper describes two aspects of architecture of componentized systems. First, properties of the basic building blocks (acquisition and presentation components) are discussed a...