Abstract. As the amount of information and communication increases dramatically new working environments must provide efficient mechanisms to maximize the benefits of these develop...
Albrecht Schmidt, Alexander Specker, Gerhard Parts...
In this paper we introduce the ConSet communication model for distributed memory parallel computers. The communication needs of an application program can be satisfied by some ar...
Many standardized hardware communication interfaces offer runtime flexibility and configurability at the cost of efficiency. An alternate approach is the use of a highly-effic...
Steve Ward, Karim Abdalla, Rajeev Dujari, Michael ...
- Multithreading aims to tolerate latency by overlapping communication with computation. This report explicates the multithreading capabilities of the EM-X distributed-memory multi...
Andrew Sohn, Yuetsu Kodama, Jui Ku, Mitsuhisa Sato...
PULC is a user-level communication library for workstation clusters. PULC provides a multi-user, multi-programming communication library for user level communication on top of high...
Joachim M. Blum, Thomas M. Warschko, Walter F. Tic...
The Pia hardware-software co-simulator provides substantial speedups over traditional co-simulation methods by permitting dynamic changes in the level of detail when simulating co...
In most multiagent systems with communicating agents, the agents have the luxury of using reliable, multi-step negotiation protocols. They can do so primarily when communication i...
This paper will discuss the future use of the dwelling as a place for cooperative work. It is our opinion that the development of the communication technologies and the architectur...
The design challenge for large-scale multiprocessors is (1) to minimize communication overhead, (2) allow communication to overlap computation, and (3) coordinate the two without ...
Thorsten von Eicken, David E. Culler, Seth Copen G...
Interprocessor communication times can be a significant fraction of the overall execution time required for data parallel applications. Large communication to computation ratios o...