: Realistic image synthesis research involves the simulation of visible light propagation within an environment with a view to computing an image that evokes a similar visual respo...
Abstract: An object space algorithm for computing shadows in dynamic scenes illuminated by area light sources is presented. A mesh with the shadow boundaries as well as other disco...
Recently the light-field and lumigraph systems have been proposed as general methods of representing the visual information present in a scene. These methods represent this infor...
Sketching communicates ideas rapidly through approximate visual images with low overhead (pencil and paper), no need for precision or specialized knowledge, and ease of low-level ...
Robert C. Zeleznik, Kenneth P. Herndon, John F. Hu...
Solid texturing is a powerful way to add detail to the surface of rendered objects. Perlin's "noise" is a 3D basis function used in some of the most dramatic and us...
This paper presents new algorithms and techniques for rendering parametric free-form surfaces in pen and ink. In particular, we introduce the idea of "controlled-density hatc...
Accurate control of streamline density is key to producing several effective forms of visualization of 2-dimensional vector fields. We introduce a technique that uses an energy fu...
A classical problem of imaging--the matting problem--is separation of a non-rectangular foreground image from a (usually) rectangular background image--for example, in a film fram...
We present a new method that utilizes path coherence to accelerate walkthroughs of geometrically complex static scenes. As a preprocessing step, our method constructs a BSP-tree t...
Jonathan Shade, Dani Lischinski, David Salesin, To...
Image morphing techniques can generate compelling 2D transitions between images. However, differences in object pose or viewpoint often cause unnatural distortions in image morphs...