Every choice implies responsibility. Responsibility implies ethical values imprinted in those choices. Computer games have been considered “a series of interesting choices”1 ....
This paper explores the idea that future game consoles and computers may no longer be single processor units, but instead symmetrical multiprocessor units. If this were to occur g...
Although emotions elicited by the fictional world or the artefact play a part in story-driven video games, they are certainly not the focus of the experience. From a cognitive psy...
This paper presents the design of an architecture for narrative games with story-puzzles like classic graphic adventures. The system is able to create new short stories in each se...
This paper investigates the culture being reflected in video games produced in Canada, from the perspective of Canada being one of the world's leading producers of video game...
A case study of a game design project is presented, in which both traditional game goals and educational goals exist. One way to create a design that respects both sets of goals i...
In huge online games where great numbers of players can be connected at the same time, social interaction is complex and conflicts become part of everyday life. There is a set of ...