Ontology-based approaches to situation awareness have gained increasing popularity in recent years. However, most current approaches face two inherent problems. First, they lack su...
Norbert Baumgartner, Werner Retschitzegger, Wielan...
Context-aware systems offer entirely new opportunities for application developers and for end users by gathering context information and adapting systems behavior accordingly. Sev...
Latent Semantic Analysis is used in many research fields with several applications of classifications. We propose to improve LSA with additional semantic information found with s...
Abstract. We study the extension of context ontologies towards enhanced qualitative spatio-temporal representations and reasoning. Our goal is to model and extract events that are ...
Abstract. Ontologies can be used for e-business integration, for example by describing existing e-business standards as ontologies. If cooperating parties use different ontologies...
Abstract. Context-aware systems must be able to deal with uncertain context information. We propose a generic context architecture and representation that incorporates the uncertai...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a general model of schema matching based on the following ideas: on the one hand, a schema is viewed as a context (namely as a partial and appro...
Abstract. We discuss a membrane-based calculus for the combination of conceptual spaces during runtime. Since our goal is to support emergent properties of behavior (and due to the...
Among the main issues of future technology-enhanced learning systems, we can mention the following ones: the ability to reuse learning resources (learning objects, tools and servic...
In this article we present the architecture of an m-learning (mobile-learning) environment using Bluetooth as communications technology. We also describe its practical implementati...