In this paper we present an educational tool which has been designed to manage (learning) knowledge acquired from the interactions with the students, and to automatically aids educ...
Abstract. This paper presents a statistical framework based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for discovering the contextual factors which most strongly influence user behavio...
The problem we address in this paper is the role of context in the interpretation of images when pictures are used as queries. An image usually depicts several objects and is open...
In our research work, we consider that access to semi-structured documents is carried out by a data-oriented query. With different users and a same query, the returned results are ...
: The needs-based information supply for medical workplaces is a necessary condition in order to ensure a maximum quality of medical care. A survey conducted by the Fraunhofer ISST...
Text summarization with the consideration of coherence can be achieved by using discourse processing with the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Additional problems on relational a...
Mechanisms that underlie the inductive reasoning process in risk contexts are investigated. Experimental results indicate that people rate the same inductive reasoning argument dif...
In e-commerce applications, no systematic research has been provided to evaluate if the use of a detailed and rich contextual representation improves the user modeling predictive p...
Cosimo Palmisano, Alexander Tuzhilin, Michele Gorg...
The ability to model cognitive agents depends crucially on being able to encode and infer with contextual information at many levels (such as situational, psychological, social, or...
Srini Narayanan, Katie Sievers, Steven J. Maiorano