Context-aware applications use and manipulate context information to detect high-level situations, which are used to adapt application behavior. This paper discusses the specificat...
Context-aware applications adapt their behavior depending on changes in their environment context. Programming such applications in a modular way requires to modularize the global ...
In this paper, we propose a toolkit, wear-UCAM, which can support mobile user interactions in smart environments through utilizing user's context. With the rapid developments ...
Dongpyo Hong, Youngjung Suh, Ahyoung Choi, Umar Ra...
This paper presents a framework for context-aware applications, with a particular focus on collaboration and pervasiveness. The framework relies on distributed ontologies, which ar...
Abstract. Pervasive computing applications must be sufficiently autonomous to adapt their behaviour to changes in computing resources and user requirements. This capability is know...
Intelligibility can help expose the inner workings and inputs of context-aware applications that tend to be opaque to users due to their implicit sensing and actions. However, use...
Abstract. Context-aware computing promises a smooth interaction between humans and technology but few studies have been conducted with regards to how autonomously an application sh...
iCAP is a system that assists users in prototyping contextaware applications. iCAP supports sketching for creating input and output devices, and using these devices to design inte...
The educationally disadvantaged people in contextaware computing are those without any programming experience, and are unable to build context-aware applications with the current ...
We propose an adaptive middleware design for context-aware applications that abstracts the applications from the sensors that provide context. Further, we use application-specifi...