Interconnect delay dominates system delay in modern circuits, and with reduced feature sizes, coupling capacitance and signal crosstalk have become significant issues. By spacing...
One central issue in system structuring and quality prediction is the interdependencies of system modules. This paper proposes a novel technique for determining the operational co...
In this paper we present an investigation into the run-time behaviour of objects in Java programs, using specially adapted coupling metrics. We identify objects from the same clas...
Coupling is considered by many to be an important concept in measuring design quality. There is still much to be learned about which aspects of coupling affect design quality or o...
In this paper, we propose a timing dependent dynamic power estimation framework that considers the impact of coupling and glitches. We show that relative switching activities and ...
Debjit Sinha, DiaaEldin Khalil, Yehea I. Ismail, H...
Coupling and cohesion between subsystems are commonly studied metrics when analyzing the architecture of software systems. It is usually desirable for subsystems to have high cohe...
Abstract. We review some recent developments in the coupling of atomistic and continuum models based on the blending of the two models in a bridge region connecting the other two r...
Santiago Badia, Pavel B. Bochev, Max Gunzburger, R...
— The dominant substrate noise coupling mechanism is determined for multiple switching gates based on a physically intuitive model. The model exhibits reasonable accuracy as comp...
Emre Salman, Eby G. Friedman, Radu M. Secareanu, O...
In this article we evaluate an epidemic algorithm for the synchronization of coupled Kuramoto oscillators in complex Peer-to-Peer topologies. The algorithm requires a periodic coup...
Ingo Scholtes, Jean Botev, Markus Esch, Peter Stur...
Abstract—As computing capabilities have increased, the coupling of computational models has become an increasingly viable and therefore important way of improving the physical ...
Wael R. Elwasif, David E. Bernholdt, Aniruddha G. ...