Many human action recognition tasks involve data that can be factorized into multiple views such as body postures and hand shapes. These views often interact with each other over ...
We address the problem of multi-person dataassociation-based tracking (DAT) in semi-crowded environments from a single camera. Existing trackletassociation-based methods using pur...
Recent studies on visual tracking have shown significant improvement in accuracy by handling the appearance variations of the target object. Whereas most studies present schemes ...
The bag-of-words (BoW) model treats images as an unordered set of local regions and represents them by visual word histograms. Implicitly, regions are assumed to be identically an...
Ramazan Gokberk Cinbis, Jakob J. Verbeek, Cordelia...
In this article, we focus on the problem of large-scale instance-level image retrieval. For efficiency reasons, it is common to represent an image by a fixed-length descriptor w...
In real-world applications of visual recognition, many factors—such as pose, illumination, or image quality—can cause a significant mismatch between the source domain on whic...
In this work we present a unified view on Markov random fields and recently proposed continuous tight convex relaxations for multi-label assignment in the image plane. These rel...
Mode-seeking has been widely used as a powerful data analysis technique for clustering and filtering in a metric feature space. We introduce a versatile and efficient modeseekin...
We consider the problem of shape recovery for real world scenes, where a variety of global illumination (interreflections, subsurface scattering, etc.) and illumination defocus e...
In this work, we present intrinsic shape context (ISC) descriptors for 3D shapes. We generalize to surfaces the polar sampling of the image domain used in shape contexts: for this...
Iasonas Kokkinos, Michael M. Bronstein, Roee Litma...