While Boltzmann Machines have been successful at unsupervised learning and density modeling of images and speech data, they can be very sensitive to noise in the data. In this pap...
Yichuan Tang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Geoffrey E. Hi...
Improving coding and spatial pooling for bag-of-words based feature design have gained a lot of attention in recent works addressing object recognition and scene classification. ...
We present a new spatio-temporal method for markerless motion capture. We reconstruct the pose and motion of a character from a multi-view video sequence without requiring the cam...
A. Elhayek, Carsten Stoll, Nils Hasler, Kwang In K...
In this paper, we propose a method to select a discriminative set of image processing operations for Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) as an application of the use of generating ...
A widely used technique to recover a 3D surface from photographs is patch-based (multi-view) stereo reconstruction. Current methods are able to reproduce fine surface details, th...
We propose an approach for cross-view action recognition by way of ‘virtual views’ that connect the action descriptors extracted from one (source) view to those extracted from...
We address the problem of weakly supervised semantic segmentation. The training images are labeled only by the classes they contain, not by their location in the image. On test im...
Alexander Vezhnevets, Vittorio Ferrari, Joachim M....
Multi-atlas segmentation has been widely applied in medical image analysis. With deformable registration, this technique realizes label transfer from pre-labeled atlases to unknow...
We present a novel system that is capable of generating live dense volumetric reconstructions based on input from a micro aerial vehicle. The distributed reconstruction pipeline i...
Andreas Wendel, Michael Maurer, Gottfried Graber, ...
We are interested in a general alpha matting approach for the simultaneous extraction of multiple image layers; each layer may have disjoint segments for material matting not limi...