Locally Orderless Tracking (LOT) is a visual tracking algorithm that automatically estimates the amount of local (dis)order in the object. This lets the tracker specialize in both...
Shaul Oron, Aharon Bar-Hillel, Dan Levi, Shai Avid...
The problem of multi-target tracking is comprised of two distinct, but tightly coupled challenges: (i) the naturally discrete problem of data association, i.e. assigning image obs...
We present a novel method for analyzing social behavior. Continuous videos are segmented into action ‘bouts’ by building a temporal context model that combines features from s...
In the area of 3D shape analysis, research in mesh segmentation has always been an important topic, as it is a fundamental low-level task which can be utilized in many application...
In this paper we investigate the problem of user authentication using keystroke biometrics. A new distance metric that is effective in dealing with the challenges intrinsic to key...
We recast the Cosegmentation problem using Random Walker (RW) segmentation as the core segmentation algorithm, rather than the traditional MRF approach adopted in the literature s...
Maxwell D. Collins, Jia Xu, Leo Grady, Vikas Singh
This paper proposes a novel approach to recognize object categories in point clouds. By quantizing 3D SURF local descriptors, computed on partial 3D shapes extracted from the poin...
A popular approach to pixel labeling problems, such as multiclass image segmentation, is to construct a pairwise conditional Markov random field (CRF) over image pixels where the...
We study unsupervised learning of occluding objects in images of visual scenes. The derived learning algorithm is based on a probabilistic generative model which parameterizes obj...
Matching patches between two images, also known as computing nearest-neighbor fields, has been proven a useful technique in various computer vision/graphics algorithms. But this ...