IVPrototype is an Information Visualization Prototype for the visualization of both geometrical and non-geometrical data. Our goal is to provide a generic system that automaticall...
Data visualization is one of the big issues of database research. OLAP as a decision support technology is highly related to the developments of data visualization area. In this p...
Andreas S. Maniatis, Panos Vassiliadis, Spiros Ski...
Science disciplines are experiencing a data avalanche. As a result, scientific research is limited by data analysis and visualization capabilities. We have been working closely wi...
Kai Li, Matthew A. Hibbs, Grant Wallace, Olga G. T...
Data visualization is the process of representing data as pictures to support reasoning about the underlying data. For the interpretation to be as easy as possible, we need to be ...
Topology preserving mappings are great tools for data visualization and inspection in large datasets. This research presents a combination of several topology preserving mapping mo...
Aesthetic seems currently under represented in most current data visualization evaluation methodologies. This paper investigates the results of an online survey of 285 participant...
Data visualization, commonly used to make large sets of numerical data more legible, also has enormous potential as a storytelling tool to elicit insights on long-standing social ...
The ultimate goal of data visualization is to clearly portray features relevant to the problem being studied. This goal can be realized only if users can effectively communicate t...
C. Ryan Johnson, Markus Glatter, Wesley Kendall, J...
HiperSense is a system for sensing and data visualization. Its sensing part is comprised of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN) as enabled by infrastructure support for h...
Pai H. Chou, Chong-Jing Chen, Stephen F. Jenks, Su...