We present the IteratedTverberg algorithm, the first deterministic algorithm for computing an approximate centerpoint of a set S Rd with running time subexponential in d. The alg...
We give an on-line deterministic algorithm for the weighted bipartite matching problem that achieves a competitive ratio of (2n − 1) in any metric space (where n is the number o...
Samir Khuller, Stephen G. Mitchell, Vijay V. Vazir...
Consider an n-vertex graph G = (V, E) of maximum degree ∆, and suppose that each vertex v ∈ V hosts a processor. The processors are allowed to communicate only with their neig...
We consider the problem of maximizingthe number of jobs completed by their deadlinein an online single processor system where the jobs are preemptable and have release times. So i...
Optimal randomized and deterministic algorithms have been given for k-k routing on two-dimensional nn meshes. The deterministic algorithm is based on "column-sort" and e...
Recently, a deterministic algorithm based on the O-tree representation has been proposed. This method generates excellent layout results on MCNC test cases with O(n3 ) complexity,...
Abstract. In this paper, we give streaming algorithms for some problems which are known to be in deterministic log-space, when the number of passes made on the input is unbounded. ...
Unit Clustering is the problem of dividing a set of points from a metric space into a minimal number of subsets such that the points in each subset are enclosable by a unit ball. W...
The paper presents a deterministic distributed algorithm that given an n node unweighted graph constructs an O(n3/2 ) edge 3-spanner for it in O(log n) time. This algorithm is the...
Most algorithms for computing diagnoses within a modelbased diagnosis framework are deterministic. Such algorithms guarantee soundness and completeness, but are NPhard. To overcom...
Alexander Feldman, Gregory M. Provan, Arjan J. C. ...