
240views Database» more  ICDE 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Similarity measures for multidimensional data
— How similar are two data-cubes? In other words, the question under consideration is: given two sets of points in a multidimensional hierarchical space, what is the distance val...
Eftychia Baikousi, Georgios Rogkakos, Panos Vassil...
90views more  JDA 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Pattern matching in pseudo real-time
It has recently been shown how to construct online, non-amortised approximate pattern matching algorithms for a class of problems whose distance functions can be classified as be...
Raphaël Clifford, Benjamin Sach
234views more  CGF 2010»
14 years 26 days ago
3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Generalized Distance Function
We define a generalized distance function on an unoriented 3D point set and describe how it may be used to reconstruct a surface approximating these points. This distance function...
R. Poranne, Craig Gotsman, Daniel Keren
14 years 1 months ago
Profile Based Cross-Document Coreference Using Kernelized Fuzzy Relational Clustering
Coreferencing entities across documents in a large corpus enables advanced document understanding tasks such as question answering. This paper presents a novel cross document core...
Jian Huang 0002, Sarah M. Taylor, Jonathan L. Smit...
138views Data Mining» more  INCDM 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Learning Discriminative Distance Functions for Case Retrieval and Decision Support
The importance of learning distance functions is gradually being acknowledged by the machine learning community, and different techniques are suggested that can successfully learn ...
Alexey Tsymbal, Martin Huber, Shaohua Kevin Zhou
85views more  JGT 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Between ends and fibers
Let Γ be an infinite, locally finite, connected graph with distance function δ. Given a ray P in Γ and a constant C ≥ 1, a vertex-sequence {xn}∞ n=0 ⊆ V P is said to be...
C. Paul Bonnington, R. Bruce Richter, Mark E. Watk...
176views more  IVC 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Kernel-based distance metric learning for content-based image retrieval
ct 8 For a specific set of features chosen for representing images, the performance of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system 9 depends critically on the similarity or diss...
Hong Chang, Dit-Yan Yeung
97views Database» more  SPIESR 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Multiscale Branch-and-Bound Image Database Search
This paper presents a formal framework for designing search algorithms which can identify target images by the spatial distribution of color, edge and texture attributes. The fram...
Jau-Yuen Chen, Charles A. Bouman, Jan P. Allebach
151views Robotics» more  RSS 2007»
14 years 4 months ago
An Implicit Time-Stepping Method for Multibody Systems with Intermittent Contact
— In this paper we present an implicit time-stepping scheme for multibody systems with intermittent contact by incorporating the contact constraints as a set of complementarity a...
Nilanjan Chakraborty, Stephen Berard, Srinivas Ake...
102views Robotics» more  ICRA 1994»
14 years 7 months ago
Sensor-Based Planning and Nonsmooth Analysis
This paper describes some initial steps towards sensor based path planning in an unknown static environment. The method is a based on a sensor-based incremental construction of a o...
Howie Choset, Joel W. Burdick