This paper presents iNFAnt, a parallel engine for regular expression pattern matching. In contrast with traditional approaches, iNFAnt adopts non-deterministic automata, allowing ...
Due to the strong increase of processing units available to the end user, expressing parallelism of an algorithm is a major challenge for many researchers. Parallel applications ar...
Data-intensive parallel applications on clouds need to deploy large data sets from the cloud's storage facility to all compute nodes as fast as possible. Many multicast algori...
Tatsuhiro Chiba, Mathijs den Burger, Thilo Kielman...
This paper studies five real-world data intensive workflow applications in the fields of natural language processing, astronomy image analysis, and web data analysis. Data intensiv...
Abstract--Chip-MultiProcessor (CMP) architectures are becoming more and more popular as an alternative to the traditional processors that only extract instruction-level parallelism...
Abstract--Version management, one of the key design dimensions of Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) systems, defines where and how transactional modifications are stored. Current...
Marc Lupon, Grigorios Magklis, Antonio Gonzá...
Transactional memory is being advanced as an alternative to traditional lock-based synchronization for concurrent programming. Transactional memory simplifies the programming mode...
Takayuki Usui, Reimer Behrends, Jacob Evans, Yanni...
Efficiently using the hardware capabilities of the Cell processor, a heterogeneous chip multiprocessor that uses several levels of parallelism to deliver high performance, and bei...
Tarik Saidani, Joel Falcou, Claude Tadonki, Lionel...