We present an optimal cache-oblivious algorithm for finding all intersections between a set of non-intersecting red segments and a set of non-intersecting blue segments in the plan...
The focus is on black-box optimization of a function f : RN R given as a black box, i. e. an oracle for f-evaluations. This is commonly called direct search, and in fact, most meth...
Abstract. We study the effect of randomness in the adversarial queueing model. All proofs of instability for deterministic queueing strategies exploit a finespun strategy of insert...
Metric Labeling problems have been introduced as a model for understanding noisy data with pair-wise relations between the data points. One application of labeling problems with pa...
We consider a planning problem that generalizes Alcuin's river crossing problem (also known as: The wolf, goat, and cabbage puzzle) to scenarios with arbitrary conflict graph...
Abstract. We study online scheduling to minimize flow time plus energy usage in the dynamic speed scaling model. We devise new speed scaling functions that depend on the number of ...
Tak Wah Lam, Lap-Kei Lee, Isaac Kar-Keung To, Prud...