TON: Curve Network Abstraction for 3D Shapes Fernando de Goesa,∗ , Siome Goldensteinb , Mathieu Desbruna , Luiz Velhoc aCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, US...
Fernando de Goes, Siome Goldenstein, Mathieu Desbr...
—An exoskeleton is an external structural mechanism with joints and links corresponding to those of the human body. With applications in rehabilitation medicine and virtual reali...
— The exoskeleton robot, serving as an assistive device worn by the human (orthotic), functions as a humanamplifier. Setting the human machine interface (HMI) at the neuro-muscu...
Ettore Cavallaro, Jacob Rosen, Joel C. Perry, Step...
- Metabolic studies have shown that there is a metabolic cost associated with carrying load [1]. In previous work, a lightweight, underactuated exoskeleton has been described that ...
- Metabolic studies have shown that there is a metabolic cost associated with carrying load [1]. Several leg exoskeletons have been developed by various groups in an attempt to aug...
Conor James Walsh, Daniel Paluska, Kenneth Pasch, ...
Abstract— We propose a novel control method for lowerlimb assist that produces a virtual modification of the mechanical impedance of the human limbs. This effect is accomplished...
Gabriel Aguirre-Ollinger, J. Edward Colgate, Micha...