Authentication systems for public terminals – and thus public spaces – have to be fast, easy and secure. Security is of utmost importance since the public setting allows manif...
Alexander De Luca, Martin Denzel, Heinrich Hussman...
— Several studies have analyzed the link between mental dysfunctions and eye movements, using eye tracking techniques to determine where a person is looking, that is, the fixati...
Gaze visualizations represent an effective way for gaining fast insights into eye tracking data. Current approaches do not adequately support eye tracking studies for three-dimens...
We report on an exploratory study analyzing preferred reading regions on a monitor using eye tracking. We show that users have individually preferred reading regions, varying in l...
Georg Buscher, Ralf Biedert, Daniel Heinesch, Andr...
In this paper, we present an attentive windowing technique that uses eye tracking, rather than manual pointing, for focus window selection. We evaluated the performance of 4 focus...
We propose an e-learning scenario where eye tracking is exploited to get valuable data about user behavior. What we look at -- as well as how we do that -- can in fact be used to ...