The DTS (Dependability Test Suite) fault injection tool can be used to (1) obtain fault injection-based evaluation of system reliability, (2) compare the reliability of different ...
This paper describes the OFTT (OLE Fault Tolerance Technology), a fault tolerance middleware toolkit running on the Microsoft Windows NT operating system that provides required fa...
1 Over the last years, an increasing number of safety-critical tasks have been demanded to computer systems. In particular, safety-critical computer-based applications are hitting ...
Maurizio Rebaudengo, Matteo Sonza Reorda, Marco To...
CX, a network-based computational exchange, is presented. The system’s design integrates variations of ideas from other researchers, such as work stealing, non-blocking tasks, e...
This paper studies non-cryptographic authenticated broadcast in radio networks subject to malicious failures. We introduce two protocols that address this problem. The first, Nei...
Dan Alistarh, Seth Gilbert, Rachid Guerraoui, Zark...
MapReduce is a popular framework for data-intensive distributed computing of batch jobs. To simplify fault tolerance, the output of each MapReduce task and job is materialized to ...
Tyson Condie, Neil Conway, Peter Alvaro, Joseph M....
The design and implementation of distributed real-time dependable systems is often dominated by non-functional considerations like timeliness, object placement and fault tolerance...
The reliability of ADCs used in highly critical systems can be increased by applying a two-step procedure starting with sensitivity analysis followed by redesign. The sensitivity ...
The problem of fault tolerance in cooperative manipulators rigidly connected to a solid object is addressed in this paper. Four faults are considered: free-swinging joint faults, ...
In this article, we introduce the approach to the realization of ontogenetic development and fault tolerance that will be implemented in the POEtic tissue, a novel reconfigurable ...
Gianluca Tempesti, Daniel Roggen, Eduardo Sanchez,...