
51views more  RSA 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Testing subgraphs in large graphs
Let H be a fixed graph with h vertices, let G be a graph on n vertices and suppose that at least n2 edges have to be deleted from it to make it H-free. It is known that in this ca...
Noga Alon
54views more  ARSCOM 1999»
14 years 2 months ago
Refining the Graph Density Condition for the Existence of Almost K-factors
Alon and Yuster [4] have proven that if a fixed graph K on g vertices is (h + 1)-colorable, then any graph G with n vertices and minimum degree at least h h+1 n contains at least ...
Noga Alon, Eldar Fischer
101views more  ORL 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Gear composition and the stable set polytope
We present a new graph composition that produces a graph G from a given graph H and a fixed graph B called gear and we study its polyhedral properties. This composition yields cou...
Anna Galluccio, Claudio Gentile, Paolo Ventura